“Legenda dan kisahnya sudah diturunkan dari generasi ke generasi.
Ketenarannya bahkan sudah menyentuh banyak bagian negeri ini. Sangkuriang, Interniran,
Ambulans Bahureksa, Rumah Kentang, Patung Pastor Verbraak, Nancy, dan Sumur Keramat Bandung.
Kini, terserah Anda untuk memercayainya.”
jalan-jalan malam bertema legenda dan hantu Bandung
Sabtu, 7 November 2009
Meeting Point : Seberang SMA Santo Aloysius, Jl. Sultan Agung (jam 19:00)
Ending Point : Gedung PLN, Jl. Asia Afrika (jam 22:30)
Kisah Interniran, Ambulans Bahureksa, Rumah Kentang,
Patung Pastor Verbraak, hantu Nancy, dan Sumur Keramat Bandung.
Rp 35.000/org (umum), umum ≥ 5 orang Rp 30.000/org
Rp 30.000/org (anggota milis BTers, plus mahasiswa,
anggota milis Bdg Heritage, JPPI, Archipelago Trails, TM Online, Tourism-Indonesia)
Termasuk: interpreter (pemandu), donasi Rumah Kentang & Sumur Bandung, makan malam & minuman spesial Urban-dung Legend “Bloody Nancy”, pin eksklusif BANDUNG TRAILS, dan games & prizes
Booking: 022-7149667 (no sms please)
Pembayaran: Bank Mandiri Cab Setiabudhi no rek 132-00-0698336-6 an Bandung Trails atau
BCA Cab Kiaracondong no rek 280-049791-7 an Teguh Amor Patria
(mohon sms segera setelah pembayaran ke nomor booking di atas berikut nama bank,
jumlah peserta & jumlah transfer) paling lambat Kamis, 5 November 2009
DRESS CODE (disarankan tapi tidak wajib) : mengandung unsur Haloween
(contoh: topeng, jubah, lentera, lampion labu, sapu, dsb) untuk keunikan pendokumentasian event
Booking segera – tempat terbatas 75 orang saja – dan ikuti kuis berhadiah. Bawa juga kamera Anda!
Urban-dung Legend 2009 – Lebih malam, lebih lama, dan lebih menghibur…!
Catatan :
Urban-dung Legend merupakan perpaduan antara jalan-jalan dan entertainment bertema legenda dan kisah-kisah hantu terkenal di Kota Bandung. Urban-dung Legend 2009 tidak mengajak peserta masuk ke dalam bangunan-bangunan yang erat kaitannya dengan kisah-kisah tersebut, kecuali Rumah Kentang dan Sumur Bandung. Peserta tur diharapkan untuk membatasi harapan dalam konteks sewajarnya.
The Original BANDUNG TRAILS, founded in 2003, is dedicated to promoting Bandung and its heritage to the public through educational and tourism activities. Address: Jl H Ibrahim Adjie 304 No 24, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. Tel: 022-7149667 E-mail: info@bandungtrails.net. Website: www.bandungtrails.net Join our Mailing List: bters-subscribe@yahoogroups.com and Facebook bandungtrail@yahoo.co.id
“The legend and the stories have been told from generation to generation.
Their fame is even nationwide. Sangkuriang, the refugee camp,
Bahureksa Ambulance, Potato House, Verbraak statue, Nancy, and the Holy Well of Bandung.
Now, it’s up to you to believe.”
an evening walk of Bandung’s legend and ghost stories
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Meeting Point : Opposite of SMA Santo Aloysius, Jl. Sultan Agung (7 pm)
Ending Point : Gedung PLN, Jl. Asia Afrika (10:30 pm)
The story of the refugee camp, the Bahureksa ambulance, Potato House,
Verbraak statue, the ghost of Nancy, and the holy well of Bandung.
IDR 35.000 p.p. (public), public ≥ 5 persons IDR 30.000 pp
IDR 30.000 p.p. (members of BTers mailing list, plus students,
members of Bdg Heritage, JPPI, Archipelago Trails, TM Online, Tourism-Indonesia mailing list)
Inclusive of: interpreter, donation for Potato House & Bandung’s holy well, dinner & Urban-dung Legend’s special drink “Bloody Nancy”, BANDUNG TRAILS’ exclusive pin, and games & prizes
Booking: 022-7149667 (no sms please)
Payment: Bank Mandiri Cab Setiabudhi # 132-00-0698336-6 Bandung Trails or
BCA Cab Kiaracondong # 280-049791-7 Teguh Amor Patria
(pls sms right after payment to the above booking number along with the info on the bank, number of participants, and amount of transfer) by Thursday, November 5, 2009
DRESS CODE (recommended but not compulsary) : Haloween
(eg: mask, robe, lantern, pumpkin lamp, broom, etc) for unique documentation
Book soon – place is limited to 75 persons only – and join games. Bring along your camera!
Urban-dung Legend 2009 – Later, longer, and more entertaining…!
Notes :
Urban-dung Legend combines walk and entertainment. Urban-dung Legend 2009 will not take participants into the houses/buildings associated with the stories, except Potato House and the holy well.
The Original BANDUNG TRAILS, founded in 2003, is dedicated to promoting Bandung and its heritage to the public through educational and tourism activities. Address: Jl H Ibrahim Adjie 304 No 24, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. Celullar: 022-7149667 E-mail: info@bandungtrails.net. Website: www.bandungtrails.net Join our Mailing List: bters-subscribe@yahoogroups.com and Facebook bandungtrail@yahoo.co.id
Ketenarannya bahkan sudah menyentuh banyak bagian negeri ini. Sangkuriang, Interniran,
Ambulans Bahureksa, Rumah Kentang, Patung Pastor Verbraak, Nancy, dan Sumur Keramat Bandung.
Kini, terserah Anda untuk memercayainya.”
jalan-jalan malam bertema legenda dan hantu Bandung
Sabtu, 7 November 2009
Meeting Point : Seberang SMA Santo Aloysius, Jl. Sultan Agung (jam 19:00)
Ending Point : Gedung PLN, Jl. Asia Afrika (jam 22:30)
Kisah Interniran, Ambulans Bahureksa, Rumah Kentang,
Patung Pastor Verbraak, hantu Nancy, dan Sumur Keramat Bandung.
Rp 35.000/org (umum), umum ≥ 5 orang Rp 30.000/org
Rp 30.000/org (anggota milis BTers, plus mahasiswa,
anggota milis Bdg Heritage, JPPI, Archipelago Trails, TM Online, Tourism-Indonesia)
Termasuk: interpreter (pemandu), donasi Rumah Kentang & Sumur Bandung, makan malam & minuman spesial Urban-dung Legend “Bloody Nancy”, pin eksklusif BANDUNG TRAILS, dan games & prizes
Booking: 022-7149667 (no sms please)
Pembayaran: Bank Mandiri Cab Setiabudhi no rek 132-00-0698336-6 an Bandung Trails atau
BCA Cab Kiaracondong no rek 280-049791-7 an Teguh Amor Patria
(mohon sms segera setelah pembayaran ke nomor booking di atas berikut nama bank,
jumlah peserta & jumlah transfer) paling lambat Kamis, 5 November 2009
DRESS CODE (disarankan tapi tidak wajib) : mengandung unsur Haloween
(contoh: topeng, jubah, lentera, lampion labu, sapu, dsb) untuk keunikan pendokumentasian event
Booking segera – tempat terbatas 75 orang saja – dan ikuti kuis berhadiah. Bawa juga kamera Anda!
Urban-dung Legend 2009 – Lebih malam, lebih lama, dan lebih menghibur…!
Catatan :
Urban-dung Legend merupakan perpaduan antara jalan-jalan dan entertainment bertema legenda dan kisah-kisah hantu terkenal di Kota Bandung. Urban-dung Legend 2009 tidak mengajak peserta masuk ke dalam bangunan-bangunan yang erat kaitannya dengan kisah-kisah tersebut, kecuali Rumah Kentang dan Sumur Bandung. Peserta tur diharapkan untuk membatasi harapan dalam konteks sewajarnya.
The Original BANDUNG TRAILS, founded in 2003, is dedicated to promoting Bandung and its heritage to the public through educational and tourism activities. Address: Jl H Ibrahim Adjie 304 No 24, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. Tel: 022-7149667 E-mail: info@bandungtrails.net. Website: www.bandungtrails.net Join our Mailing List: bters-subscribe@yahoogroups.com and Facebook bandungtrail@yahoo.co.id
“The legend and the stories have been told from generation to generation.
Their fame is even nationwide. Sangkuriang, the refugee camp,
Bahureksa Ambulance, Potato House, Verbraak statue, Nancy, and the Holy Well of Bandung.
Now, it’s up to you to believe.”
an evening walk of Bandung’s legend and ghost stories
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Meeting Point : Opposite of SMA Santo Aloysius, Jl. Sultan Agung (7 pm)
Ending Point : Gedung PLN, Jl. Asia Afrika (10:30 pm)
The story of the refugee camp, the Bahureksa ambulance, Potato House,
Verbraak statue, the ghost of Nancy, and the holy well of Bandung.
IDR 35.000 p.p. (public), public ≥ 5 persons IDR 30.000 pp
IDR 30.000 p.p. (members of BTers mailing list, plus students,
members of Bdg Heritage, JPPI, Archipelago Trails, TM Online, Tourism-Indonesia mailing list)
Inclusive of: interpreter, donation for Potato House & Bandung’s holy well, dinner & Urban-dung Legend’s special drink “Bloody Nancy”, BANDUNG TRAILS’ exclusive pin, and games & prizes
Booking: 022-7149667 (no sms please)
Payment: Bank Mandiri Cab Setiabudhi # 132-00-0698336-6 Bandung Trails or
BCA Cab Kiaracondong # 280-049791-7 Teguh Amor Patria
(pls sms right after payment to the above booking number along with the info on the bank, number of participants, and amount of transfer) by Thursday, November 5, 2009
DRESS CODE (recommended but not compulsary) : Haloween
(eg: mask, robe, lantern, pumpkin lamp, broom, etc) for unique documentation
Book soon – place is limited to 75 persons only – and join games. Bring along your camera!
Urban-dung Legend 2009 – Later, longer, and more entertaining…!
Notes :
Urban-dung Legend combines walk and entertainment. Urban-dung Legend 2009 will not take participants into the houses/buildings associated with the stories, except Potato House and the holy well.
The Original BANDUNG TRAILS, founded in 2003, is dedicated to promoting Bandung and its heritage to the public through educational and tourism activities. Address: Jl H Ibrahim Adjie 304 No 24, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. Celullar: 022-7149667 E-mail: info@bandungtrails.net. Website: www.bandungtrails.net Join our Mailing List: bters-subscribe@yahoogroups.com and Facebook bandungtrail@yahoo.co.id
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